Courtney Skye

@MOHAWKEMOTIONS Courtney Skye is Mohawk, Turtle Clan, from Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. She contributes to provincial, national, and international forums, promoting the political mobilization of women in order to create transformative change in communities. Her work focuses on reimagining traditional approaches to policy development in order to meet the diverse realities of Indigenous communities, entrenching a deep commitment to the rights and jurisdiction of Indigenous people.

Stan Williams Image: No More Silence for Women

Answering Calls to Justice: A National Action Plan on Ending Violence

The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls’ final report, “Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into MMIWG,” has been released. Now what? Courtney Skye discusses the importance of implementation and some requirements for that promised National Action Plan in this brief.

Stan Williams Image 24 Bring our Children Home

Eliminating the Ontario Child Advocate Threatens the Rights of Indigenous Kids

Last week, the Ontario government announced the elimination of the independent office of the Ontario Child Advocate. This move severs the investigations and advocacy function previously housed in the Advocate’s office, cutting this critical level of oversight. Removing this protections for First Nations, Inuit and Metis children and youth should raise concern for every family and community.