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Factsheet / Social Policy

Recommendations Related to Structural Racism

Over the past 30 years, various inquiries and commissions have all described the violence that Indigenous peoples continue to face as a result of ongoing colonialism in Canada. More than 1,000 recommendations have emerged from these initiatives, identifying issues related to structural racism and inequality and providing solutions, hundreds of them.

Below are a select number of these solutions, framed in five themes, (1)Representation in Society; (2)Public Education and
Awareness; (3) Institutional Change; (4) Addressing Policing and the Justice System; and (5)Indigenous Self-Determination. These recommendations and calls to action are from the following reports/inquiries: National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Final Report (2019); Report of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry of Manitoba (1991)*; Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (1996); Report of the Ipperwash Inquiry (2007); and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Reports & Calls to Action (2015).

This factsheet is an accompanying document to, “How do we solve Structural Racism? A 5×5 Review”.

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