
Stan Williams Snow and Sun Scenery Image

Residential School Records and Data Governance

In this brief, Ushnish Sengupta analyzes the role of data governance in contributing to discussing the full truth about residential schools, calling on the Government of Canada and institutions to uphold their promises to implement the TRC’s Calls To Action as it relates to residential school records.

Stan Willams Image, One tree bowing

The Data Pandemic, Zombie Voters and First Nation Governance

During the latest Six Nations of the Grand River band council election, on-line voting was used for the first time, It was discovered that deceased citizens ‘participated’ in voting, leading to the questions explored in this brief around the intersection of citizenship, data and governance.

Stan Williams Image: No More Silence for Women

Answering Calls to Justice: A National Action Plan on Ending Violence

The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls’ final report, “Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into MMIWG,” has been released. Now what? Courtney Skye discusses the importance of implementation and some requirements for that promised National Action Plan in this brief.