G’ganoonigonaa Zaagigan | The Lake Is Speaking To Us: Nuclear Waste in Saugeen Ojibway Nation Territory?

On January 31st, 2020, the members of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) will vote on a proposal for a Deep Geological Repository near Lake Huron that will store 200,000m3 of low and intermediate level nuclear waste. Authors of this brief call for a process that goes beyond FPIC principles and engages an Anishinaabe version of consent that fully considers the current and future impacts of this decision.

Stan Williams Image: Two deer walking into the forest

“Decolonizing” Clean Energy Policy in Canada?

As provinces and territories work to develop policies to promote clean energy, they will also need to come to terms with the fact that climate change and renewable energy are fundamentally Indigenous rights issues. While Indigenous peoples could play a key role in Canada’s transition to a low carbon economy, a recent review of 57 provincial and territorial energy programs and policies show that Indigenous inclusion in such programs is severely lacking.