The “Civilized World” and its Genocides: Gaza’s Colonial Precedents
How are colonial logics of “civilization” being used to justify the extreme violence, subjugation, and erasure of Palestinians the world is witnessing?
How are colonial logics of “civilization” being used to justify the extreme violence, subjugation, and erasure of Palestinians the world is witnessing?
Indigenous communities in Canada know colonial moves to naturalize Indigeneity as tactic of dispossession well. How, then, is it the case that many Indigenous leaders support this move in Israel?
In what ways has Canada been complicit in the colonization of Palestine and the genocide taking place against Palestinians?
As the conditions for genocide in Israel-occupied Gaza continue to unfold, Azeeezah Kanji examines the narratives used to justify the atrocities.
Azeezah Kanji addresses the settler legal moves to innocence enacted by colonial states from Canada to Kashmir and Palestine.
Earlier this month, journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed by Isreali forces while reporting from the occupied West Bank. The killing is one example in a chronicle of violence against those who report on settler colonialism, from Canada to Palestine. Azeezah Kanji describes this trend as journacide.