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Residential School Records and Data Governance

In this brief, Ushnish Sengupta analyzes the role of data governance in contributing to discussing the full truth about residential schools, calling on the Government of Canada and institutions to uphold their promises to implement the TRC’s Calls To Action as it relates to residential school records.

Federal child welfare and Indigenous childhood sexual violence

A timely intervention at a time when Canada is dragging its feet on MMIWG calls, Fallon Simard argues in this brief that Land Back is a call to end sexual violence against children & youth by advocating for an enhanced spectrum of consent in Indigenous governance decision-making.

Stan Williams, Trees in a row image

Calls to Action Accountability: A Status Update on Reconciliation

In June 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) released its Executive Summary and 94 Calls to Action. This brief is a report card and analysis of the progress on the calls, assessing the completion of the 2015 Calls to Action. As of December 2019, only 9 of the calls have been completed.