Truth and Reconciliation Commission

X University

A Record Of Solidarity In The X University Campaign

In May 2021, as the resistance to X University’s name (formerly Ryerson University), began to re-emerge, Indigenous students launched a campaign calling on students, faculty, administration and the community generally, to “remove the university’s current name from our email signatures, CVs, and other professional communications and replace it with an X.” The X represented a signature under …

A Record Of Solidarity In The X University Campaign Read More »

Stan Williams Snow and Sun Scenery Image

Residential School Records and Data Governance

In this brief, Ushnish Sengupta analyzes the role of data governance in contributing to discussing the full truth about residential schools, calling on the Government of Canada and institutions to uphold their promises to implement the TRC’s Calls To Action as it relates to residential school records.

Stan Williams Image 24 Bring our Children Home

Yellowhead Resources for Truth & Restitution

In the last Parliament, the Federal Government passed legislation to recognize September 30 as a statutory holiday to observe and learn. Yellowhead has curated here, a list of our own related resources for learning and education on this day and beyond.