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The Yellowhead Brief

The Indian Department

This Is Indian Land - Stan Williams

Introducing Yellowhead Institute: Indigenous Strategies for Transformative Change

On October 23, 2018, Yellowhead Institute held an official launch event centred on the pending Indigenous Rights, Recognition and Implementation Framework legislation. Here, we share highlights from the event and panel discussion, where three key themes emerged regarding the framework: Regional Contexts, Exclusion of Women, Queer, Trans and Two-Spirit Perspectives and Treaties, Relationship and the Land.

Stan Willams Image, One tree bowing

Ewert v Canada: Supreme Court of Canada decides that systemic racism doesn’t make you a riskier offender

From the very first encounter with police, contact with the criminal justice system for Indigenous people is loaded with disproportionate penalties. A recent Supreme Court of Canada decision of R v Ewert finally recognized the critical role played by Correctional Service Canada that may be unjustly keeping Indigenous peoples behind bars for longer, under far worse conditions than their non-Indigenous incarcerated counterparts.