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The Yellowhead Brief

Treaties, Rights and Title

Agriculture in the North: A New Strategy of Indigenous Land Dispossession?

Last week the Federal Government released the 2024-2025 budget, with new funding allocations for Indigenous communities. While these allocations are significant and there are even new policy approaches to be found in the budget, chronic shortfalls and the historically paternalistic Crown-Indigenous financial relationship remain.

A Robinson Huron Treaty Settlement Proposal to Save Anishinaabemowin

Anishinaabemowin is on the brink of extinction. Saving it requires working with current speakers, a coordinated revitalization strategy including immersion opportunities, and a commitment from our leadership and communities more generally. It also requires resources – it requires zhooniyaa. It just so happens that Anishinaabeg in the Robinson Huron Treaty (RHT) areas may soon have …

A Robinson Huron Treaty Settlement Proposal to Save Anishinaabemowin Read More »

Land Back Lane Image

“Journacide” and the Settler Colonial Assault on Reality

Earlier this month, journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed by Isreali forces while reporting from the occupied West Bank. The killing is one example in a chronicle of violence against those who report on settler colonialism, from Canada to Palestine. Azeezah Kanji describes this trend as journacide.