Krista Stelkia

(Syilx/Tlingit from Osoyoos First Nation) is a University Research Associate in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University. Her research portfolio includes the examination of structural racism on chronic disease within First Nations in Canada, anti-Indigenous racism, structural determinants of health; health and wellness indicators, police accountability, police oversight, and social justice.

Freedom Convoy in Alberta; Image by Naomi McKinney, Unsplash

What The Freedom Convoy Protests Reveals About Structural Racism In Canada

THIS PAST WEEKEND yet another “Freedom Convoy” rolled into Ottawa. This one ostensibly about veteran’s rights and motorcycles instead of transport trucks but with many connections and underlying themes in common, including racism. But it is the original “Freedom Convoy” protest – the one that illegally occupied Ottawa, the capital city of Canada, for over three …

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