
Indigenous Inclusion in Energy Policies and Programs

This infographic shows the % of provincial and territorial renewable energy policies and programs that, 1. include the identification of Indigenous stakeholders; 2. include UNDRIP, Section 35 and/or TRC content; and 3. include Indigenous involvement in the policy design process. These statistics are contextualized in the Yellowhead brief, “Decolonizing” Clean Energy Policy in Canada?.

Comic | Indigenous Rights: Frameworks for the Future

INSPIRED BY EVENTS at the AFN Special Assembly in Fall 2018, this comic chronicles the demise of the proposed Indigenous Rights and Recognition Framework legislation. It was at this meeting that the Liberals announced the delay in the legislation, while community members protested outside. The comic also imagines alternative “framework” possibilities for the future before …

Comic | Indigenous Rights: Frameworks for the Future Read More »

By the Numbers: Indian Status and First Nation Citizenship under Bill S-3

This infographic shows 2016 Census numbers related to Indian status and First Nation ancestry, projections for Indian status eligibility under Bill S-3 and statistics around First Nations membership control vs. their ability to determine Indian status. This resource was created as an accompaniment to the Yellowhead Brief, A Brief Assessment of Canada’s Collaborative Process on …

By the Numbers: Indian Status and First Nation Citizenship under Bill S-3 Read More »

Transitioning from the Indian Act to the Rights Framework

This is a visual model illustrating the process by which historic treaty and Indian Act bands could be ushered through the Rights Framework. This resource was created as an accompaniment to the 2018 Yellowhead Institute report, Canada’s Emerging Indigenous Rights Framework: A Critical Analysis.   

Carceral Colonialism in Canada: Systemic Racism & Corrections Canada Risk Assessments

This infographic shows statistics representing the impacts of systemic racism in how Correction Canada assesses and makes decisions about Indigenous peoples. This resource was created in as an accompaniment to the Yellowhead Brief, Ewert v. Canada: Supreme Court of Canada decides that systemic racism doesn’t make you a riskier offender by Promise Holmes Skinner.

Legislation on Indigenous Issues

This infographic, released June 2018, illustrates just how active the current parliament is when it comes to legislative changes impacting Indigenous peoples. This resource was created as part of the launch of the Yellowhead Institute report, Canada’s Emerging Indigenous Rights Framework: A Critical Analysis.